#cie 2
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tentatively considering calling this game's two installments "Trials" instead of "Books"....
#would that be any good?#it's not for no reason#in fact#it's for a deeply significant reason#but idk if it really... works...#maybe if i ended up changing the title?#idk 😵#conspiracy in emerson#cie 2
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omg yes.... the way i've done relationship mechanics means that you should be able to have either a good or bad relationship with a character without necessarily not being friends anymore. Like, it takes a bigger thing than a few poor choices to break off a relationship or for things to become firmly distant in real relationships. and the way i have things means if i want to do that sort of thing it's possible??
#i... probably won't#altho i do love the idea of being able to refer to things like#'being best friends for half of senior year' in book 2 lol#cie stuff#and same would be applicable to antagonistic relationships like#y'all are getting along better but still won't hang out and insist you aren't friends -- cause you aren't lol
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dreaming of walking along a beach in england on a rare sunny summer day
#that will undoubtedly have rain by the end of it#but its the 2 hours with sunshine and blue water#w my lil soft serve cie cream w a flake#thats what matter ok#cornwall and portobello#i´m thinking of cornwall and portobello
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55 powodow aby nie jeść!!!
1. jedzenie ma kalorie, a kalorie tuczą.
2. będziesz wyglądać ładnie w każdym ubraniu.
3. zadne ubranie nie bedzie na ciebie za małe.
4. beda pytac czy ty w ogóle jesz?
5. twoje uda będą wyglądać jak dwa patyczki.
6. ana będzie z ciebie dumna!
7. bedziesz najchudsza z klasy.
8. nikt cie nie wyzwie od grubasa.
9. bedzie widac twoje kosci, a nie tluszcz.
10. bedziesz thinspo innych.
11. w końcu będziesz czuc się dobrze ze swoim cialem.
12. Jedzenie to poprostu zbędny tluszcz.
13. W koncu ktos cie bedzie chcial.
14. Nie bedziesz sie obawiac, gdy ktos będzie chcial cie podniesc.
15. Będziesz chuda.
16. Twoje paznokcie beda ladniejsze gdy będziesz miec chudziutkie paluszki a nie berlinki.
17. Nie bedziesz sie wstydzic mowic o swojej wadze.
18. Bedziesz mogla chodzic w topach.
19. W lato nie będzie ci az tak gorąco.
20. Będziesz sie czuła jak motylek🦋.
21. W koncu ktos zwroci na ciebie uwage!
22. Twoja buzia bedzie blada i piekna.
23. Nie zalamiesz zadnego krzesla i innego mebla.
24. Bedziesz sobie i anie za to dziękować.
25. W koncu będziesz mogla pozwolić sobie na to co chcesz (ofc nie na jedzenie).
26. Nie bedziesz musiala sie przebierać na halloween bo juz bedziesz kościotrupem.
27. Ludzie beda wiedzieć ze masz anoreksję.
28. W koncu będziesz miec przyjaciół.
29. Twoj binge bedzie mial mało kalorii bo wiecej nie bedziesz w stanie zmiescic.
30. Chude jest lepsze.
31. Nie bedziesz patrzyc w lustro z obrzydzeniem.
32. Ana brzmi o wiele lepiej niż Fat.
33. Będziesz perfekcyjna.
34. Będziesz GRUBA jeśli dzisiaj zjesz.
35. Nie potrzebujesz jedzenia.
36. Głodzenie się jest doskonałym przykładem siły woli.
37. Będziesz mógł działać szybciej i nie bedziesz sie męczyć.
38. Grubi ludzie nie pasują wszędzie.
39. Jeśli zjesz będziesz wyglądać jak te obrzydliwe, tłuste świnie.
40. Kości są czyste i piękne.
41. Kilka minut w ustach ,całe życie w biodrach.
42. Ludzie będą gratulować Ci widząc ile kilogramów schudłas.
43. Możesz używać mniej mydła pod prysznicem, i zaoszczędzić pieniądze.
44. Jedzenie sprawia, że obrastasz tłuszczem.
45. Zaoszczędzisz pieniądze za jedzenie i kupisz sobie cos ladnego.
46. Nic nie smakuje tak dobrze, jak uczucie że jestes szczupła.
45. Perfekcyjne ciało = perfekcyjna dusza.
46. Będziesz mógł nosić mini spódniczki, bez trzęsących sie ud.
47. Znajomi będą zazdrościć Ci twojego ciała i podziwiać.
48. Chcesz być najgrubszy w mieście?
49. Umrzesz chuda.
50. Będziesz dobrze wyglądać na zdjęciach.
51. Nie zasługujesz na jedzenie!
52. Grubi ludzie są brzydcy.
53. Zaoszczędzisz czas nie jedząc.
54. Czy jedzenie ważniejsze niż szczęście?
55. Jedzenie jest przekleństwem, każdy kęs sprawia, że tyjesz.
#chce byc lekka jak motylek#motylek any#bede lekka jak motylek#bede motylkiem#blogi motylkowe#będę motylkiem#motylki any#nie bede jesc#nie chce być gruba#chce widziec swoje kosci#nie chce jesc#chce byc idealna#chudzinka#chudej nocy motylki#chude jest piękne#chudosc#chude nogi#chude ciało#chude uda#chce byc chudy#chce byc szczupla#chce byc perfekcyjna
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co robić zamiast jedzenia kalorii 💍
1) idz na spacer sie przewietrzyć (dobrze Ci to zrobi motylku!!)
2) naucz się jakiegoś tańca z tiktoka
3) porysuj coś, spróbuj namalować swoje wymażone ciało i sobie na nie popatrz. Może wtedy Ci sie odechce jeść
4) posłuchaj ulubionego artysty, odkryj jej/jego/ich nowe piosenki! Jak ich nie ma to spróbuj sie nauczyć jakiejś na pamięć
5) zrób nową playliste z określonym vibe'em (np. jesienna, na zime, spokojna, energiczna, na późne spacery, do spania itp.)
6) zrób wishliste z rzeczami które byś chciałx żebyś wiedziałx co chcesz jak ktoś Cie spyta!
7) zrób dodatkowy skincare, dobrze Ci zrobi!
8) porządnie sie wykąp, czyli everything shower (golenie, peeling, żel, kremy, włosy [jak chcesz] itd.)
9) zrób taki totalnie crazy makijaż, poprostu zaszalej!! Albo poszukaj sobie ładnego makijażu np. na pintereście, i spróbuj go odwzorować
10) poucz sie
11) zacznij oglądać nowy serial, a jak nie chcesz to obejrz film ( z mojego całego serca KAŻDEMU polecam igrzyska smierci wszystkie czesci [wiem ze popularne ale no OBEJRZCIE JAK NIE OGLADALISCIE] a z seriali to ja sama niedligo bede ogladala 13 powodow i tiny pretty things! )
12) posluchaj podcastow, polecam kryminalne i jak chcesz potem zrob research
13) potancz sobie (albo naucz sie jakiejs choreografii)
14) poćwicz
15) pooglądaj sobie th1n$pø
16) masz jakiś wymarzony sport np. gimnastyka? Zacznij go uprawiać! np. poszukaj jakieś filmiki na youtubie z poradami
17) pobiegaj
18) prześpij się
19) wejdź na strone internetową samequizy i zrób sobie jakieś quizy. Wydaje sie nudne ale jest megaa i tam są quizy o prawie wszystkim
20) jak już nie wytrzymujesz to zjedz coś małego, bo mozliwe ze bedziesz mialx pozniej napad
to chyba tyle, mam nadzieje że pomogłam
#chce byc lekka jak motylek#bede motylkiem#motylki any#będę motylkiem#jestem motylkiem#blogi motylkowe#motylki#nie chce być gruba#starv1ng#chudej nocy motylki#porady dla motylków#motyli#motylki w brzuchu#nie jestem idealna#nie chce jeść#nie jem#nie chce jesc#nie bede jesc#nie jestem glodna#chude jest piękne#chce czuc kosci#az do kosci#chce widziec swoje kosci#jestem gruba#gruba#za gruba#chce byc idealna#bede lekka#bede lekka jak motylek#bede perfekcyjna
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jesli chcesz sie poddac przeczytaj to
1. On zwroci na ciebie uwage
2. Wygladasz dobrze we wszystkim
3. Wszyscy beda sie o ciebie martwic
4. Bedziesz czuc sie dobrze ze SOBA
5. Duma
6. Beda ci zazdroscic
7. Bedziesz mogla miec takie ubranie jakie tylko chcesz bo beda wygladac na tobie dobrze
8. Stroj kapielowy
9. Atencja
10. Kazdy bedzie mogl cie podniesc bez problemu
11. Rozmiar xxs/xs/s
12. Bedziesz najchudsza z wszystkich znajomych
13. Komplementy
14. Piekne widoczne kosci
#bede motylkiem#blogi motylkowe#będę motylkiem#dieta motylkowa#motylki any#ana meal#anor3c1a#chude jest piękne#chude nogi#chude uda#jestem motylkiem#lekka jak motyl#chudosc#chude dziewczyny#chudzinka
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3 sposoby jak ukryc nie jedzenie przed rodzicami REBLOGUJCIE🦋❤️🍽️
1 juz jadlam
niby basic ale mam dla was kilka formulek ktore moga wam pomoc
-jak wasnnie bylo w domu to bylam w zabce i kupilam sobie ta nowa kanapke co jest(nic ci nie zrobia bo przeciez to jest pelnoprawny posilek no nie?)
-zrobilam juz sobie(...) (najlepiej wtedy zostawic brodny talez jaki dowod tego ze jadl*s
-boze jak ja sie obrzarlam (typowo)
- jadlam w szkole (tez typowo)
2 przeciez tego nie lubie
wmawiasz rodzica (i po czesci tez sobie) ze nie lubisz danego pokarmu np ryb. nikt nie brdize kazal ci jej zjesc bo przeciez tego nie lubisz. proste? proste. potem trzeba jedynie uwazac zeby nie zostac przylapany podczas np binge bo bedzie slabo
3 ciasta
wymaga to troche wysilku i samodyscypliny ale wiese ze dacie rade. pieczesz ciasto lub inny tego typu produkt dla calej rodizny. praedjez logiczne ze tego probowalas jesli to pieklas.
+dla osob z aparatem
od momentu kuedy mi go zalozyli prawie codziennie mowie rzevzy typu "strasznie bola mnie zeby, nie zjem tego" "przeviez pani doktor mowila ze tego nie moge zjesc" itp. nie zmusza cie przeciez do jedzenia jesli brdoze cie to bolalo lub zwyczajnie nie mozesz
to wysystko co dla was mam, prosze o reblogoeania i dajcie znac czy pomoglo
chudej nocy motylki/ gasieniczki🐛🦋❤️
#bede motylkiem#będę motylkiem#b─öd─ö motylkiem#chudej nocy motylki#lekkie motylki#motyle w brzuchu#motylki blog#tylko dla motylków#jestem motylkiem#motyl
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Bunnydoll 😍 (Episode 4 Spoilers)
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/52b6fae4258b0393a359c588de0f663d/63da5b95e9052bcd-73/s540x810/32e98730bd353e4431bd07b41a56993c2464e6bf.jpg)
Oh my god I was screaming when he called her Raggy. Dollface, Liquorice Hair, and now Raggy. I cannot wait for Episode 5 & 6 (There's defo gonna be more nicknames/petnames - if you will - in those, too!)
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/1fa3126999765c86ba2a4d93fd286c24/63da5b95e9052bcd-6c/s540x810/0c1d3bfd8570dd23bc4b10bc990a4ff0d029d28b.jpg)
Fighting old married couple?! Like, yes, hello! Gooseworx, Gooseworx! More fighting Bunnydoll, please! (THEY 100% MADE OUT WHEN GANGLE AND ZOOBLE WANDERED OFF)
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/c4d1a335623aec66668123246158313a/63da5b95e9052bcd-81/s540x810/c102e515ad1fa13abd15f429174063f91c67d99f.jpg)
She hates him so much. LOOK AT THAT.
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/01e4681e7e57ba755a8204066a73c766/63da5b95e9052bcd-56/s540x810/352c68697fa811eb89b2572dadd0e93da056b04e.jpg)
"Oh my, God, I'm dating an idiot." - Ragatha, probably.
Jax ain't wasting NO TIME in admiring his beautiful wife.
He loves her, really. I can prove it, I promise! Just...uh...give me one hour and forty minutes to analyse the entire show!
Jax does! You're just oblivious, love.
I started crying at this scene.
I think it's important to note that Goose/GLITCH likes to include little easter eggs/secrets in the dubs of the show. E.g. In the German dub the gloinks names are Uzi, V and Cyn.
I say this about this scene specifically because:
@livi-in-digital-circus brought the dubs to my attention before I start waffling about them.I
In the Polish dub, Ragatha says: "Ja cie nie lubie? Ale chce zebyś ty lubil mnie." which translates to: "I don't like you? But I want you to like me." I talk about the Polish dub in particular because 'liking someone' can also mean 'having a crush on someone'. In addition, the script could have been "I don't like you." but it's not. There's a '?' at the end, implying that Ragatha is questioning whether she does or does not like Jax.
In the Turkish dub, Ragatha says: "Seni- sevmiyorum. Ama benden nefret etme." which translates to: "I don't like you. But don't hate me." Which - going back to how liking someone can mean having a crush on them - could imply that Jax has a crush on Ragatha, and she's aware of that, but she doesn't like him back. But she also doesn't want him to hate her because of it.
In the Filipino dub, Ragatha actually doesn't say she hates OR dislikes Jax. She says: "Parang…may galit ako sa'yo? Pero ayaw kong magalit ka sa akin weird ba." which translates to: "It's like… I'm mad at you? I don't want you to be mad at me for being weird." So, basically, she doesn't know if she's mad at him or not. And she's apologising for not knowing.
In most of the dubs, Ragatha is questioning whether or whether or not she does hate Jax. Which I personally think is a great for Gooseworx to say "Hey, Bunnydollers, there's no canon romance but that doesn't mean I can't make you tweak out!"
I HIGHLY doubt Ragatha GENUINELY hates Jax. I mean, she was practically high from that idiot sauce. And even though we know she isn't as honest as she seems, I doubt she actually hates anyone. Again, even if she isn't as honest as seems, she doesn't seem to be the type of person to use a word as strong as 'hate' in a genuine way. More like in a way where you'd tell your friends you "hate" them when they do something stupid/immature.
#tadc#the amazing digital circus#gooseworx#bunnydoll#jax x ragatha#tadc jax#tadc ragatha#they're in love your honor
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![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/a7f427ab19532a785fe9ad72725e9cc1/b748968c08504fa0-b2/s540x810/3ab318f976a547d2a69e2f6f1341adcbd1b90156.jpg)
115 years ago today, on 8 January 1910, Gaston Leroux published the final installment of Le Fantôme de l’Opéra in Le Gaulois newspaper. You can read the final installment on my blog here.
Leroux and his editor at Pierre Lafitte & Cie. then edited his serialized text, removing a chapter (”The Magic Envelope”) and several other large sections in the process, and republished his work as a novel three months later in April 1910.
I encourage everyone to do something to mark the occasion and celebrate the beginnings of The Phantom of the Opera!
Below the cut, I have linked all 68 sections of Le Fantôme de l’Opéra, as they were first printed in Le Gaulois newspaper 115 yeas ago.
Newspaper Announcement, 22 September, 1909
On 22 September, 1909, the Parisian daily newspaper, Le Gaulois, ran the advertisement linked above, announcing the serialization of Gaston Leroux's new novel, Le Fantôme de l'Opéra.
Leroux's novel premiered on 23 September, 1909. It ran for 15 weeks, and it was segmented into 68 sections, each section covering roughly half a chapter's worth of content.
1) Avant-Propos, 23 September, 1909
This is how it all began! On Thursday, 23 September, 1909, the first section of Gaston Leroux’s Le Fantôme de l'Opéra was printed on page 3 in the feuilleton section of the Parisian daily newspaper, Le Gaulois.
This first section includes the text of the Avant-Propos (Foreword) from Leroux’s novel.
2) Chapter 1, Part 1. 24 September, 1909
Welcome to the 2nd day of 15 Weeks of Phantom, where I post all 68 sections of Le Fantôme de l'Opéra, as they were first printed in Le Gaulois newspaper.
In today's installment, we have Part I of Chapter 1: "Est-ce le fantôme?" ("Is It the Phantom?")
3) Chapter 1, Part 2. 25 September, 1909
Welcome to the 3rd installment of 15 Weeks of Phantom, where I post all 68 sections of Le Fantôme de l’Opéra, as they were first printed in Le Gaulois newspaper.
In today’s installment, we have Part II of Chapter 1: “Est-ce le fantôme?” (“Is It the Phantom?”)
4) Chapter 1, Part 3. Chapter 2, Part 1. 27 September, 1909
Welcome to the 4th installment of 15 Weeks of Phantom, where I post all 68 sections of Le Fantôme de l’Opéra, as they were first printed in Le Gaulois newspaper.
In today’s installment, we have Part III of Chapter 1: “Est-ce le fantôme?” (“Is It the Phantom?”), as well as Part I of Chapter 2: "La Marguerite Nouvelle" ("The New Marguerite").
5) Chapter 2, Part 2. 28 September, 1909
Welcome to the 5th installment of 15 Weeks of Phantom, where I post all 68 sections of Le Fantôme de l’Opéra, as they were first printed in Le Gaulois newspaper.
In today’s installment, we have Part II of Chapter 2: “La Marguerite Nouvelle” (“The New Marguerite”).
6) Chapter 2, Part 3. Chapter 3, Part 1. 30 September, 1909
Welcome to the 6th installment of 15 Weeks of Phantom, where I post all 68 sections of Le Fantôme de l’Opéra, as they were first printed in Le Gaulois newspaper.
In today’s installment, we have Part III of Chapter 2: “La Marguerite Nouvelle” (“The New Marguerite”), as well as Part I of Chapter 3: “Où pour la première fois, MM. Debienne et Poligny donnent, en secret, aux nouveaux directeurs de l’Opéra, MM. Armand Monchardin et Firmin Richard, la véritable et mystérieuse raison de leur départ de l’Académie nationale de musique” (“Where for the First Time, MM. Debienne and Poligny Secretly Give the New Managers of the Opera, MM. Armand Moncharmin and Firmin Richard, the True and Mysterious Reason for Their Departure from the National Academy of Music”).
7) Chapter 3, part 2. 1 October, 1909
Welcome to the 7th installment of 15 Weeks of Phantom, where I post all 68 sections of Le Fantôme de l’Opéra, as they were first printed in Le Gaulois newspaper.
In today’s installment, we have Part II of Chapter 3: “Où pour la première fois, MM. Debienne et Poligny donnent, en secret, aux nouveaux directeurs de l’Opéra, MM. Armand Monchardin et Firmin Richard, la véritable et mystérieuse raison de leur départ de l’Académie nationale de musique” (“Where for the First Time, MM. Debienne and Poligny Secretly Give the New Managers of the Opera, MM. Armand Moncharmin and Firmin Richard, the True and Mysterious Reason for Their Departure from the National Academy of Music”).
8) Chapter 3, Part 3. Chapter 4, Part 1. 2 October, 1909
Welcome to the 8th installment of 15 Weeks of Phantom, where I post all 68 installments of Le Fantôme de l’Opéra, as they were first printed in Le Gaulois newspaper.
In today’s installment, we have Part III of Chapter 3: “Où pour la première fois, MM. Debienne et Poligny donnent, en secret, aux nouveaux directeurs de l’Opéra, MM. Armand Monchardin et Firmin Richard, la véritable et mystérieuse raison de leur départ de l’Académie nationale de musique” (“Where for the First Time, MM. Debienne and Poligny Secretly Give the New Managers of the Opera, MM. Armand Moncharmin and Firmin Richard, the True and Mysterious Reason for Their Departure from the National Academy of Music”). We also have Part I of Chapter 4: "La Loge N° 5" ("Box 5").
9) Chapter 4, Part 2. 5 October, 1909
Welcome to the 9th installment of 15 Weeks of Phantom, where I post all 68 sections of Le Fantôme de l’Opéra, as they were first printed in Le Gaulois newspaper.
In today’s installment, we have Part II of Chapter 4: “La Loge N° 5” (“Box 5”).
10) Chapter 4, Part 3. Chapter 5, Part 1. 6 October, 1909
Welcome to the 10th installment of 15 Weeks of Phantom, where I post all 68 sections of Le Fantôme de l’Opéra, as they were first printed in Le Gaulois newspaper.
In today’s installment, we have Part III of Chapter 4: "La Loge N° 5” (“Box 5”), and Part I of Chapter 5: "Suite de « La Loge N° 5 »" ("Box 5 Continued").
11) Chapter 5, Part 2. 7 October, 1909
Welcome to the 11th installment of 15 Weeks of Phantom, where I post all 68 sections of Le Fantôme de l’Opéra, as they were first printed in Le Gaulois newspaper.
In today’s installment, we have Part II of Chapter 5: “Suite de « La Loge N° 5 »” (“Box 5 Continued”).
12) Chapter 5, Part 3. Chapter 6, Part 1. 9 October, 1909
Welcome to the 12th installment of 15 Weeks of Phantom, where I post all 68 sections of Le Fantôme de l’Opéra, as they were first printed in Le Gaulois newspaper.
In today’s installment, we have Part III of Chapter 5: “Suite de « La Loge N° 5 »” (“Box 5 Continued”), and Part I of Chapter 6, "Le Violon Enchanté" ("The Magic Violin").
13) Chapter 6, Part 2. 11 October, 1909
Welcome to the 13th installment of 15 Weeks of Phantom, where I post all 68 sections of Le Fantôme de l’Opéra, as they were first printed in Le Gaulois newspaper.
In today’s installment, we have Part II of Chapter 6, “Le Violon Enchanté” (“The Magic Violin”).
14) Chapter 6, Part 3. 13 October, 1909
Welcome to the 14th installment of 15 Weeks of Phantom, where I post all 68 sections of Le Fantôme de l’Opéra, as they were first printed in Le Gaulois newspaper.
In today’s installment, we have Part III of Chapter 6, “Le Violon Enchanté” (“The Magic Violin”).
15) Chapter 6, Part 4. 14 October, 1909
Welcome to the 15th installment of 15 Weeks of Phantom, where I post all 68 sections of Le Fantôme de l’Opéra, as they were first printed in Le Gaulois newspaper.
In today’s installment, we have Part IV of Chapter 6, “Le Violon Enchanté” (“The Magic Violin”).
16) Chapter 6, Part 5. Chapter 7, Part 1. 16 October, 1909
Welcome to the 16th installment of 15 Weeks of Phantom, where I post all 68 sections of Le Fantôme de l’Opéra, as they were first printed in Le Gaulois newspaper.
In today’s installment, we have Part V of Chapter 6, “Le Violon enchanté” (“The Magic Violin”), and Part I of Chapter 7, "Une Visite à la loge n° 5" ("A Visit to Box 5").
17) Chapter 7, Part 2. Chapter 8, Part 1. 19 October, 1909
Welcome to the 17th installment of 15 Weeks of Phantom, where I post all 68 sections of Le Fantôme de l’Opéra, as they were first printed in Le Gaulois newspaper.
In today’s installment, we have Part II of Chapter 7, “Une Visite à la loge n° 5” (“A Visit to Box 5”), and Part I of Chapter 8, "Où MM. Firmin Richard et Armand Moncharmin ont l’audace de faire représenter « Faust » dans une salle « maudite » et de l’effroyable événement qui en résulta" ("Where MM. Firmin Richard and Armand Moncharmin Have the Audacity to Have 'Faust' Performed in a 'Cursed' House and the Horrifying Event Which Thereby Ensued").
18) Chapter 8, Part 2. 21 October, 1909
Welcome to the 18th installment of 15 Weeks of Phantom, where I post all 68 sections of Le Fantôme de l’Opéra, as they were first printed in Le Gaulois newspaper.
In today’s installment, we have Part II of Chapter 8, “Où MM. Firmin Richard et Armand Moncharmin ont l’audace de faire représenter « Faust » dans une salle « maudite » et de l’effroyable événement qui en résulta” (“Where MM. Firmin Richard and Armand Moncharmin Have the Audacity to Have ‘Faust’ Performed in a ‘Cursed’ House and the Horrifying Event Which Thereby Ensued”).
19) Chapter 8, Part 3. 22 October, 1909
Welcome to the 19th installment of 15 Weeks of Phantom, where I post all 68 sections of Le Fantôme de l’Opéra, as they were first printed in Le Gaulois newspaper.
In today’s installment, we have Part III of Chapter 8, “Où MM. Firmin Richard et Armand Moncharmin ont l’audace de faire représenter « Faust » dans une salle « maudite » et de l’effroyable événement qui en résulta” (“Where MM. Firmin Richard and Armand Moncharmin Have the Audacity to Have ‘Faust’ Performed in a ‘Cursed’ House and the Horrifying Event Which Thereby Ensued”).
20) Chapter 8, Part 4. 24 October, 1909
Welcome to the 20th installment of 15 Weeks of Phantom, where I post all 68 sections of Le Fantôme de l’Opéra, as they were first printed in Le Gaulois newspaper.
In today’s installment, we have Part IV of Chapter 8, “Où MM. Firmin Richard et Armand Moncharmin ont l’audace de faire représenter « Faust » dans une salle « maudite » et de l’effroyable événement qui en résulta” (“Where MM. Firmin Richard and Armand Moncharmin Have the Audacity to Have ‘Faust’ Performed in a ‘Cursed’ House and the Horrifying Event Which Thereby Ensued”).
21) Chapter 8, Part 5. 26 October, 1909
Welcome to the 21st installment of 15 Weeks of Phantom, where I post all 68 sections of Le Fantôme de l’Opéra, as they were first printed in Le Gaulois newspaper.
In today’s installment, we have Part V of Chapter 8, “Où MM. Firmin Richard et Armand Moncharmin ont l’audace de faire représenter « Faust » dans une salle « maudite » et de l’effroyable événement qui en résulta” (“Where MM. Firmin Richard and Armand Moncharmin Have the Audacity to Have ‘Faust’ Performed in a ‘Cursed’ House and the Horrifying Event Which Thereby Ensued”).
22) Chapter 9, Part 1. 27 October, 1909
Welcome to the 22nd installment of 15 Weeks of Phantom, where I post all 68 sections of Le Fantôme de l’Opéra, as they were first printed in Le Gaulois newspaper.
In today’s installment, we have Part I of Chapter 9, “Le mystérieux coupé” (“The Mysterious Carriage”).
23) Chapter 9, Part 2. Chapter 10, Part 1. 28 October, 1909
Welcome to the 23rd installment of 15 Weeks of Phantom, where I post all 68 sections of Le Fantôme de l’Opéra, as they were first printed in Le Gaulois newspaper.
In today’s installment, we have Part II of Chapter 9, “Le mystérieux coupé” (“The Mysterious Carriage”), and Part I of Chapter 10, "Au bal masqué" ("At the Masked Ball").
24) Chapter 10, Part 2. 30 October, 1909
Welcome to the 24th installment of 15 Weeks of Phantom, where I post all 68 sections of Le Fantôme de l’Opéra, as they were first printed in Le Gaulois newspaper.
In today’s installment, we have Part II of Chapter 10, “Au bal masqué” (“At the Masked Ball”).
25) Chapter 10, Part 3. 1 November, 1909
Welcome to the 25th installment of 15 Weeks of Phantom, where I post all 68 sections of Le Fantôme de l’Opéra, as they were first printed in Le Gaulois newspaper.
In today’s installment, we have Part III of Chapter 10, “Au bal masqué” (“At the Masked Ball”).
26) Chapter 10, Part 4. 2 November, 1909
Welcome to the 26th installment of 15 Weeks of Phantom, where I post all 68 sections of Le Fantôme de l’Opéra, as they were first printed in Le Gaulois newspaper.
In today’s installment, we have Part IV of Chapter 10, “Au bal masqué” (“At the Masked Ball”).
27) Chapter 11, Part 1. 3 November, 1909
Welcome to the 27th installment of 15 Weeks of Phantom, where I post all 68 sections of Le Fantôme de l’Opéra, as they were first printed in Le Gaulois newspaper.
In today’s installment, we have Part I of Chapter 11, “L'enveloppe magique” (“The Magic Envelope”).
28) Chapter 11, Part 2. 4 November, 1909
Welcome to the 28th installment of 15 Weeks of Phantom, where I post all 68 sections of Le Fantôme de l’Opéra, as they were first printed in Le Gaulois newspaper.
In today’s installment, we have Part II of Chapter 11, “L’enveloppe magique” (“The Magic Envelope”).
29) Chapter 11, Part 3. Chapter 12, Part 1. 5 November, 1909
Welcome to the 29th installment of 15 Weeks of Phantom, where I post all 68 sections of Le Fantôme de l’Opéra, as they were first printed in Le Gaulois newspaper.
In today’s installment, we have Part III of Chapter 11, “L’enveloppe magique” (“The Magic Envelope”), and Part I of Chapter 12, “Il faut oublier le nom de « la voix d'homme »” (“You Must Forget the Name of ‘the Man’s Voice’”).
30) Chapter 12, Part 2. 7 November, 1909
Welcome to the 30th installment of 15 Weeks of Phantom, where I post all 68 sections of Le Fantôme de l’Opéra, as they were first printed in Le Gaulois newspaper.
In today’s installment, we have Part II of Chapter 12, “Il faut oublier le nom de « la voix d’homme »” (“You Must Forget the Name of ‘the Man’s Voice’”).
31) Chapter 12, Part 3. Chapter 13, Part 1. 9 November, 1909
Welcome to the 31st installment of 15 Weeks of Phantom, where I post all 68 sections of Le Fantôme de l’Opéra, as they were first printed in Le Gaulois newspaper.
In today’s installment, we have Part III of Chapter 12, “Il faut oublier le nom de « la voix d’homme »” (“You Must Forget the Name of ‘the Man’s Voice’”), and Part I of Chapter 13, “Au-dessus des trappes” (“Above the Trapdoors”).
32) Chapter 13, Part 2. 11 November, 1909
Welcome to the 32nd installment of 15 Weeks of Phantom, where I post all 68 sections of Le Fantôme de l’Opéra, as they were first printed in Le Gaulois newspaper.
In today’s installment, we have Part II of Chapter 13, “Au-dessus des trappes” (“Above the Trapdoors”).
33) Chapter 13, Part 3. Chapter 14, Part 1. 13 November, 1909
Welcome to the 33rd installment of 15 Weeks of Phantom, where I post all 68 sections of Le Fantôme de l’Opéra, as they were first printed in Le Gaulois newspaper.
In today’s installment, we have Part III of Chapter 13, “Au-dessus des trappes” (“Above the Trapdoors”), and Part I of Chapter 14, “La lyre d'Apollon” (“Apollo’s Lyre”).
34) Chapter 14, Part 2. 15 November, 1909
Welcome to the 34th installment of 15 Weeks of Phantom, where I post all 68 sections of Le Fantôme de l’Opéra, as they were first printed in Le Gaulois newspaper.
We are now at the halfway point of the Gaulois publication!
In today’s installment, we have Part II of Chapter 14, “La lyre d’Apollon” (“Apollo’s Lyre”).
35) Chapter 14, Part 3. 16 November, 1909
Welcome to the 35th installment of 15 Weeks of Phantom, where I post all 68 sections of Le Fantôme de l’Opéra, as they were first printed in Le Gaulois newspaper.
In today’s installment, we have Part III of Chapter 14, “La lyre d’Apollon” (“Apollo’s Lyre”).
36) Chapter 14, Part 4. 18 November, 1909
Welcome to the 36th installment of 15 Weeks of Phantom, where I post all 68 sections of Le Fantôme de l’Opéra, as they were first printed in Le Gaulois newspaper.
In today’s installment, we have Part IV of Chapter 14, “La lyre d’Apollon” (“Apollo’s Lyre”).
37) Chapter 14, Part 5. 20 November, 1909
Welcome to the 37th installment of 15 Weeks of Phantom, where I post all 68 sections of Le Fantôme de l’Opéra, as they were first printed in Le Gaulois newspaper.
In today’s installment, we have Part V of Chapter 14, “La lyre d’Apollon” (“Apollo’s Lyre”).
38) Chapter 14, Part 6. 22 November, 1909
Welcome to the 38th installment of 15 Weeks of Phantom, where I post all 68 sections of Le Fantôme de l’Opéra, as they were first printed in Le Gaulois newspaper.
In today’s installment, we have Part VI of Chapter 14, “La lyre d’Apollon” (“Apollo’s Lyre”).
39) Chapter 14, Part 7. Chapter 15, Part 1. 23 November, 1909
Welcome to the 39th installment of 15 Weeks of Phantom, where I post all 68 sections of Le Fantôme de l’Opéra, as they were first printed in Le Gaulois newspaper.
In today’s installment, we have Part VII of Chapter 14, “La Lyre d’Apollon” (“Apollo’s Lyre”), and Part I of Chapter 15, “Un Coup de maître de l’amateur de trappes” (“A Masterstroke of the Trapdoor Lover”).
40) Chapter 15, Part 2. 25 November, 1909
Welcome to the 40th installment of 15 Weeks of Phantom, where I post all 68 sections of Le Fantôme de l’Opéra, as they were first printed in Le Gaulois newspaper.
In today’s installment, we have Part II of Chapter 15, “Un Coup de maître de l’amateur de trappes” (“A Masterstroke of the Trapdoor Lover”).
41) Chapter 15, Part 3. Chapter 16, Part 1. 27 November, 1909
Welcome to the 41st installment of 15 Weeks of Phantom, where I post all 68 sections of Le Fantôme de l’Opéra, as they were first printed in Le Gaulois newspaper.
In today’s installment, we have Part III of Chapter 15, “Un Coup de maître de l’amateur de trappes” (“A Masterstroke of the Trapdoor Lover”), and Part I of Chapter 16, “Singulière attitude d’une épingle de nourrice” (“Strange Behavior Regarding a Safety Pin”).
42) Chapter 16, Part 2. 29 November, 1909
Welcome to the 42nd installment of 15 Weeks of Phantom, where I post all 68 sections of Le Fantôme de l’Opéra, as they were first printed in Le Gaulois newspaper.
In today’s installment, we have Part II of Chapter 16, “Singulière attitude d’une épingle de nourrice” (“Strange Behavior Regarding a Safety Pin”).
43) Chapter 17 (full chapter). Chapter 18, Part 1. 30 November, 1909
Welcome to the 43rd installment of 15 Weeks of Phantom, where I post all 68 sections of Le Fantôme de l’Opéra, as they were first printed in Le Gaulois newspaper.
In today’s installment, we have Chapter 17, “Christine ! Christine !” (“Christine! Christine!”), as well as Part I of Chapter 18, “Révélations étonnantes de Mme Giry, relatives à ses relations personnelles avec le fantôme de l’Opéra” (“Mme Giry’s Astonishing Revelations, Regarding Her Personal Relations with the Phantom of the Opera”).
44) Chapter 18, Part 2. 3 December, 1909
Welcome to the 44th installment of 15 Weeks of Phantom, where I post all 68 sections of Le Fantôme de l’Opéra, as they were first printed in Le Gaulois newspaper.
In today’s installment, we have Part II of Chapter 18, “Révélations étonnantes de Mme Giry, relatives à ses relations personnelles avec le fantôme de l’Opéra” (“Mme Giry’s Astonishing Revelations, Regarding Her Personal Relations with the Phantom of the Opera”).
45) Chapter 18, Part 3. Chapter 19, Part 1. 4 December, 1909
Welcome to the 45th installment of 15 Weeks of Phantom, where I post all 68 sections of Le Fantôme de l’Opéra, as they were first printed in Le Gaulois newspaper.
In today’s installment, we have Part III of Chapter 18, “Révélations étonnantes de Mme Giry, relatives à ses relations personnelles avec le fantôme de l’Opéra” (“Mme Giry’s Astonishing Revelations, Regarding Her Personal Relations with the Phantom of the Opera”), and Part I of Chapter 19, “Suite de la curieuse attitude d’une épingle de nourrice” (“Continuation of the Odd Behavior Regarding a Safety Pin”).
46) Chapter 19, Part 2. Chapter 20, Part 1. 5 December, 1909
Welcome to the 46th installment of 15 Weeks of Phantom, where I post all 68 sections of Le Fantôme de l’Opéra, as they were first printed in Le Gaulois newspaper.
In today’s installment, we have Part II of Chapter 19, “Suite de la curieuse attitude d’une épingle de nourrice” (“Continuation of the Odd Behavior Regarding a Safety Pin”), and Part I of Chapter 20, “Le Commissaire de police, le vicomte et le Persan” (The Commissary of Police, the Vicomte, and the Persian).
47) Chapter 20, Part 2. 7 December, 1909
Welcome to the 47th installment of 15 Weeks of Phantom, where I post all 68 sections of Le Fantôme de l’Opéra, as they were first printed in Le Gaulois newspaper.
In today’s installment, we have Part II of Chapter 20, “Le Commissaire de police, le vicomte et le Persan” (The Commissary of Police, the Vicomte, and the Persian).
48) Chapter 20, Part 3. Chapter 21, Part 1. 9 December, 1909
Welcome to the 48th installment of 15 Weeks of Phantom, where I post all 68 sections of Le Fantôme de l’Opéra, as they were first printed in Le Gaulois newspaper.
In today’s installment, we have Part III of Chapter 20, “Le Commissaire de police, le vicomte et le Persan” (The Commissary of Police, the Vicomte, and the Persian), and Part I of Chapter 21, “Le Vicomte et le Persan” (The Vicomte and the Persian).
49) Chapter 21, Part 2. Chapter 22, Part 1. 10 December, 1909
Welcome to the 49th installment of 15 Weeks of Phantom, where I post all 68 sections of Le Fantôme de l’Opéra, as they were first printed in Le Gaulois newspaper.
In today’s installment, we have Part II of Chapter 21, “Le Vicomte et le Persan” (The Vicomte and the Persian), and Part I of Chapter 22, “Dans les dessous de l’Opéra” (In the Underside of the Opera).
50) Chapter 22, Part 2. 13 December, 1909
Welcome to the 50th installment of 15 Weeks of Phantom, where I post all 68 sections of Le Fantôme de l’Opéra, as they were first printed in Le Gaulois newspaper.
In today’s installment, we have Part II of Chapter 22, “Dans les dessous de l’Opéra” (In the Underside of the Opera).
51) Chapter 22, Part 3. 14 December, 1909
Welcome to the 51st installment of 15 Weeks of Phantom, where I post all 68 sections of Le Fantôme de l’Opéra, as they were first printed in Le Gaulois newspaper.
In today’s installment, we have Part III of Chapter 22, “Dans les dessous de l’Opéra” (In the Underside of the Opera).
52) Chapter 22, Part 4. 16 December, 1909
Welcome to the 52nd installment of 15 Weeks of Phantom, where I post all 68 sections of Le Fantôme de l’Opéra, as they were first printed in Le Gaulois newspaper.
In today’s installment, we have Part IV of Chapter 22, “Dans les dessous de l’Opéra” (In the Underside of the Opera).
53) Chapter 22, Part 5. Chapter 23, Part 1. 19 December, 1909
Welcome to the 53rd installment of 15 Weeks of Phantom, where I post all 68 sections of Le Fantôme de l’Opéra, as they were first printed in Le Gaulois newspaper.
In today’s installment, we have Part V of Chapter 22, “Dans les dessous de l’Opéra” (In the Underside of the Opera), and Part I of Chapter 23, “Intéressantes et instructives tribulations d’un Persan dans les dessous de l’Opéra: Recit du Persan” (Interesting and Informative Tribulations of a Persian in the Underside of the Opera: The Persian’s Narrative).
54) Chapter 23, Part 2. 20 December, 1909
Welcome to the 54th installment of 15 Weeks of Phantom, where I post all 68 sections of Le Fantôme de l’Opéra, as they were first printed in Le Gaulois newspaper.
In today’s installment, we have Part II of Chapter 23, “Intéressantes et instructives tribulations d’un Persan dans les dessous de l’Opéra: Recit du Persan” (Interesting and Informative Tribulations of a Persian in the Underside of the Opera: The Persian’s Narrative).
55) Chapter 23, Part 3. 21 December, 1909
Welcome to the 55th installment of 15 Weeks of Phantom, where I post all 68 sections of Le Fantôme de l’Opéra, as they were first printed in Le Gaulois newspaper.
In today’s installment, we have Part III of Chapter 23, “Intéressantes et instructives tribulations d’un Persan dans les dessous de l’Opéra: Recit du Persan” (Interesting and Informative Tribulations of a Persian in the Underside of the Opera: The Persian’s Narrative).
56) Chapter 23, Part 4. 24 December, 1909
Welcome to the 56th installment of 15 Weeks of Phantom, where I post all 68 sections of Le Fantôme de l’Opéra, as they were first printed in Le Gaulois newspaper.
In today’s installment, we have Part IV of Chapter 23, “Intéressantes et instructives tribulations d’un Persan dans les dessous de l’Opéra: Recit du Persan” (Interesting and Informative Tribulations of a Persian in the Underside of the Opera: The Persian’s Narrative).
57) Chapter 23, Part 5. Chapter 24, Part 1. 25 December, 1909
Welcome to the 57th installment of 15 Weeks of Phantom, where I post all 68 sections of Le Fantôme de l’Opéra, as they were first printed in Le Gaulois newspaper.
In today’s installment, we have Part V of Chapter 23, “Intéressantes et instructives tribulations d’un Persan dans les dessous de l’Opéra: Recit du Persan” (Interesting and Informative Tribulations of a Persian in the Underside of the Opera: The Persian’s Narrative), as well as Part I of Chapter 24, “Dans la chambre des supplices” (Inside the Torture Chamber).
58) Chapter 24, Part 2. Chapter 25, Part 1. 26 December, 1909
Welcome to the 58th installment of 15 Weeks of Phantom, where I post all 68 sections of Le Fantôme de l’Opéra, as they were first printed in Le Gaulois newspaper.
In today’s installment, we have Part II of Chapter 24, “Dans la chambre des supplices” (Inside the Torture Chamber), and Part I of Chapter 25, “Les Supplices commencent” (The Torture Begins).
59) Chapter 25, Part 2. 27 December, 1909
Welcome to the 59th installment of 15 Weeks of Phantom, where I post all 68 sections of Le Fantôme de l’Opéra, as they were first printed in Le Gaulois newspaper.
In today’s installment, we have Part II of Chapter 25, “Les Supplices commencent” (The Torture Begins).
60) Chapter 25, Part 3. Chapter 26, Part 1. 28 December, 1909
Welcome to the 60th installment of 15 Weeks of Phantom, where I post all 68 sections of Le Fantôme de l’Opéra, as they were first printed in Le Gaulois newspaper.
In today’s installment, we have Part III of Chapter 25, “Les Supplices commencent” (The Torture Begins), and Part I of Chapter 26, “Tonneaux !… Tonneaux !… Avez-vous des tonneaux à vendre ?” (Barrels! Barrels! Have You Any Barrels to Sell?).
61) Chapter 26, Part 2. 31 December, 1909
Welcome to the 61st installment of 15 Weeks of Phantom, where I post all 68 sections of Le Fantôme de l’Opéra, as they were first printed in Le Gaulois newspaper.
In today’s installment, we have Part II of Chapter 26, “Tonneaux ! tonneaux ! avez-vous des tonneaux à vendre ?” (Barrels! Barrels! Have You Any Barrels to Sell?).
62) Chapter 26, Part 3. Chapter 27, Part 1. 1 January, 1910
Happy New Year! Welcome to the 62nd installment of 15 Weeks of Phantom, where I post all 68 sections of Le Fantôme de l’Opéra, as they were first printed in Le Gaulois newspaper.
In today’s installment, we have Part III of Chapter 26, “Tonneaux ! tonneaux ! avez-vous des tonneaux à vendre ?” (Barrels! Barrels! Have You Any Barrels to Sell?), as well as Part I of Chapter 27, “Faut-il tourner le scorpion ? Faut-il tourner la sauterelle ?” (Shall You Turn the Scorpion? Or Shall You Turn the Grasshopper?).
63) Chapter 27, Part 2. 2 January, 1910
Welcome to the 63rd installment of 15 Weeks of Phantom, where I post all 68 sections of Le Fantôme de l’Opéra, as they were first printed in Le Gaulois newspaper.
In today’s installment, we have Part II of Chapter 27, “Faut-il tourner le scorpion ? Faut-il tourner la sauterelle ?” (Shall You Turn the Scorpion? Or Shall You Turn the Grasshopper?).
64) Chapter 27, Part 3. 3 January, 1910
Welcome to the 64th installment of 15 Weeks of Phantom, where I post all 68 sections of Le Fantôme de l’Opéra, as they were first printed in Le Gaulois newspaper.
In today’s installment, we have Part III of Chapter 27, “Faut-il tourner le scorpion ? Faut-il tourner la sauterelle ?” (Shall You Turn the Scorpion? Or Shall You Turn the Grasshopper?).
65) Chapter 28, Part 1. 5 January, 1910
Welcome to the 65th installment of 15 Weeks of Phantom, where I post all 68 sections of Le Fantôme de l’Opéra, as they were first printed in Le Gaulois newspaper.
In today’s installment, we have Part I of Chapter 28, “La Fin des amours du fantôme" (The End of the Phantom’s Love Story).
66) Chapter 28, Part 2. 6 January, 1910
Welcome to the 66th installment of 15 Weeks of Phantom, where I post all 68 sections of Le Fantôme de l’Opéra, as they were first printed in Le Gaulois newspaper.
In today’s installment, we have Part II of Chapter 28, “La Fin des amours du fantôme" (The End of the Phantom’s Love Story).
67) Epilogue, Part 1. 7 January, 1910
Welcome to the 67th installment of 15 Weeks of Phantom, where I post all 68 sections of Le Fantôme de l’Opéra, as they were first printed in Le Gaulois newspaper.
In today’s installment, we have Part I of the Epilogue.
68) Epilogue, Part 2. 8 January, 1910
Welcome to the 68th and final installment of 15 Weeks of Phantom! Over the last 15 weeks, I have posted all 68 sections of Le Fantôme de l’Opéra, as they were first printed in Le Gaulois newspaper.
A HUGE thank you to all of you who have followed me on this literary journey through Phantom. I hope it has been as fascinating for you as it has been for me to see how Leroux and his editors at Pierre Lafitte et Cie. developed and changed his novel from the Gaulois newspaper serialization to the First Edition.
In today’s installment, we have Part II of the Epilogue, and the end of Le Fantôme de l’Opéra.
#phantom of the opera#poto#gaston leroux#le fantôme de l’opéra#le gaulois#phantom translation#15 weeks of phantom#phantom 115th anniversary
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Empire seatings
Hi ! i's been a while I haven't shared anything ... the year has been a bit busy with the Olympic Games in Paris and I had a lot of work.
So today, I share with you 2 sets of seating I created from real ones that furnish Versailles :
armchair and chair from a set of seats delivered in 1805 by Jacob-Desmalter et Cie for the interior salon (known as the Salon des Glaces) of Madame, mother of the Emperor, at the Grand Trianon
armchair, chair and sofa delivered by François Maigret in 1811 for the first living room of the large apartment of the Palais de Meudon and now exposed in Versailles
I made variations
Download Here
I hope you'll enjoy them :)
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Dzień 1 zadawania miłych pytań do moich motylków 🤗
pytanie nr 1.
Jak wchodzisz na wagę widzisz swój pesel czy numer telefonu świnio? 🐷
pytanie nr 2.
Masz świadomość jak ulan* jesteś czy potrzebujesz okularki? 🤓
pytanie nr 3.
Masz świadomość że twoja rodzina oraz znajomi cię wyśmiewają za plecami i wstydzą się za twój wygląd i wagę? robisz im tylko wstyd a swojej klasie zniszczył*ś zdjęcia klasowe które są ich jedyną pamiątką na przyszłe lata ze szkoły, współczuje im 🥺
.˳⁺⁎˚ ꒰ఎ ♡ ໒꒱ ˚⁎⁺˳ .
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/da259fbc18626221e18b3461ed822783/60b52d8927d11034-a9/s540x810/7343595b90b8e7aba8d700e824b603b80f24cd6b.jpg)
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/97641bb511924e3e6a5f4f84b6e1f173/60b52d8927d11034-fe/s500x750/a43ca6d9dd7412cf5465600e548b688ab813ebea.jpg)
#anor3c1a#blogi motylkowe#chce byc lekka jak motylek#tw ana bløg#tw ed ana#aż do grobu#aż do kości#będę motylkiem#chcę widzieć swoje kości#chude motylki#chce czuc kosci#chce widziec swoje kosci#nie chce jeść#nie bede jesc#motylek any#bede lekka jak motylek#motylek blog
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Why do I feel like older Kile could definitely pull off an outfit like this. Something about this Doja Cat vibe is eating.
I got this ask and fully was like "oh boy, uh-huh, yeah 🙄 I bet this'll be older Kile aesthetic." And I'm unsure how or why you understand it, idk how clear I'm being about grown-up Kile or whatever, but WOW. That is 100% a modern-day Kile look. The vibes are immaculate 😍😍😍
#bling bling n androgyny#srsly this almost feels like you've seen my secret book 2 and modern day pinterest boards 🤣#alsooooo.... doja 😭😭#i've been waiting for a reboot that felt like the doja i originally started listening to#she very literally has my attention again rn after years of feeling kinda meh#i say this as someone who's been listening since the first EP 😆😆 but anyway anyway#k moore#lovely anon#answered#cie 2
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Here is a list of all the games i played in 2024
One of my favorite games, gm'd it for a local con. It's basically the Odyssey, but told in a fast & furious fashion
French only, a optimistic renaissance fantasy game where i enjoy the universe, the worldbuilding decision, but the system could be better
City of Mist
A noir urban fantasy game, of misteries and myths, stories mixing with regular life.
Donjon & Cie
french only for now. Instead of playing the adventurers, instead your characters are the monsters of the Dungeon, in reality the biggest business in the land. Dongeons meet the office. Will be "translated" ( more of a 2nd edition) by the Merry Mushmen as Dungeon Inc.
Eureka investigative urban fantasy
What it says in the title. It's good, it's great, it's what i will use to run cthulhu modules in the future
Exquisite Biome
Occuped some long train rides this year. A solo game where you create little ( or big) creatures in the environment you made up.
Feathered adventures
It's ducktales without the branding. A diceless and possibly gmless game that plays like Scrooge McDuck comics
I think I traumatized my fellow players with my character. It's great
Knight an avalon rpg
A french game translated in english ( the books are coming). King Arthur in mecha armor fighting against horrors that threatens humanity in the 2030s. One of the most played because we're playing the epic (yes, epic, not campaign).
Lalaland of the dead
French only. Being in the right discords, sometimes, you can play with the authors themselves. A zombie apocalypse game that is also a musical. Sing for more dice.
Magie de minuit
French Only. A gmless tarot game of witches fighting darkness within and out.
Play as little mice, it's totally not terrifying.
Meanwhile in the subway
The game is not a book, it's a subway map
The worst rolls possible at creation. Yet the character survived.
French only. The ttrpg parody that is often played at the club when we just need a quick one shot, a silly session.
The sun exploded ( or did it ? some revelations of the designer on the bird app says it was eaten actually), so get your power suits out. My players managed to be the Horsemen of the Apocalypse.
pasion de las pasiones
A demo session with the french translator. Now sitting nicely on a shelf.
Elden ring as a solo game
The Dark Eye
In germany they created this to avoid playing D&D. I am wary of games that ask me to successfully roll a d20 3 times for each roll. (yes you do roll 3d20 for most things)
The Thunder perfect mind
In development, a game created by Tanya Floaker during NaGaDemon that I playtested. A gmless game of gnostic gothic punk where you play as undeads.
Triangle agency
It's on most list of games of the year for a good reason. Also be careful when reading it or you will get too many demerits and lose access to the Frozen Yogurt Room.
Used to be my cursed game. The one I would propose but something always happened and couldn't play. Finally I have played it. (But the curse transfered...)
Occult mysteries based on Nordic mythology.
Monster hunter meets Dungeon Meshi. I love cooking monsters.
World Wide Wrestling
The new cursed game. Did a first session for a group ( for a mini campaign). That was in August and was supposed to last 1-2 months.............this was the only session
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Co robić zamiast jeść!:
• pojdz na spacer
najlepiej bez pieniedzy, wtedy masz 100% pewnosi ze nie kupisz nic do jedzenia, chyba ze masz do kupienia jakas rzecz, wylicz sobie co do grosza ile potrzebujesz na to pieniedzy i tylko tyle ze soba wez
bedac na spacerze spalasz dodatkowe kalorie, co napewno jest lepsze niz obzeranie sie ;P
• porob pre- shower makijaze!
ostatnio zaczelam je czesciej robic i nie dosc ze jest to mega przyjemna rzecz do robienia, to odcinasz sie zupelnie od mysli o jedzeniu! a zeby zmyc ten makijaz musisz i tak isc sie umyc, wiec jeszcze dluzej bedziesz myslami daleko od jedzenia
• wypij wode
moze brzmi to jak basic porada jak uniknac binge, ale naprawde dziala! czasem jestes poprostu spragniony, najlepiej wypic 2-3 szklanki i od razu sie zapchasz i glod zniknie na dlugo (przynajmniej u mnie dziala)
• usun niepotrzebne aplikacje/ zdjecia ze swojego telefonu
nie dosc ze nie bedziesz jesc, to jeszcze bedziesz miec wiecej wolnej pamieci w telefonie, takze poprostu same plusy. dodatkowo mozesz dodac sobie na ekran glowny jakies widgety z cytatami ktore beda cie motywowac do chudniecia (najlepsze sa meanspo moim zdaniem)
• zrob everything shower
everything showers zawsze zajmuja mega duzo czasu, a np. przy goleniu sie (ja zwykle sie gole przy everything shower) mozesz sie niezle nagimnastykować XDD poza tym jest to bardzo przydatna i przyjemna forma self care i mega polecam
• nie wchodz do kuchni.
seriously, to jest najgorsza rzecz jaka mozesz zrobic gdy chcesz unikac binge do ktorego ci juz bardzo blisko, chyba ze opanujesz sie na tyle dobrze, ze wezmiesz sama wode i NIC WIECEJ.
• zważ się.
chyba nie musze tlumaczyc dlaczego. sama wiedza o tym, ile wazysz, motywuje wystarczajaco, zeby nie jesc.
Trzymam za was kciuki motylki! Powodzenia<33
#motylki any#bede idealna#0 kcal#gruba szmata#thinspø#@na motivation#chce byc lekka jak motylek#bede motylkiem#chce schudnac#4norexla
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SPECIAL ! 2/10
przeczytajcie sobie to jak sie zrobicie głodni
(pisze jakby w zaimkach ona że głodna, mogłabyś itp. bo tak mi sie lepiej pisze i nie mam sily wszedzie pisac glodna/glodny wiec sobie sami przeksztalcajcie wrazie co 🙏🏽💗)
oo... jesteś głodna :c
Wiem, to straszne, ale nie mogłabyś jeszcze chwilke poczekać? Przecież jak nie zjesz przez jeszcze kilka godzin nic sie nie stanie, poprostu nie myśl o jedzeniu (dużych kaloriach które psują marzenia)
One też musiały poczekać jeszcze troche godzin. Jak poczekasz to to osiągniesz. Wierzę w Ciebie motylku. No chyba że zjesz no to wtedy już nie moge Cie nazywać motylkiem.
Jesteś fajnym, pięknym i chudziutkim motylkiem. Jak jedząc zmieniasz się w grubą brzydką i ulaną świnie to już nie jesteś taka fajna.
Coś za coś
Chudość za więcej godzin
Grubość za kalorie w jedzeniu
Dasz radę motylku (mam nadzieje że motylku), uda Ci sie naprawde!! 💕
zobacz na nią ↓↓↓
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/9212ce81495ac5045402a79a7449527b/bceb40f809c5437f-ec/s540x810/2f09988ec2a8e954c6e8669f5998655f7a2a3e9f.jpg)
(nie moje zdjęcie!!)
ona też się męczyła. Ale dała rade. Ty też dasz 💕
#motylki any#bede motylkiem#chce byc lekka jak motylek#jestem motylkiem#motylki#blogi motylkowe#będę motylkiem#nie chce być gruba#starv1ng#chudej nocy motylki#bede lekka jak motylek#bede piekna#bede lekka#nie bede jesc#chce byc idealna#bede idealna#motylki w brzuchu#chudość#chude nogi#chudzinka#chude dziewczyny#az do kosci#lekka jak motylek#motywacja#nie jestem glodna#nie jestem idealna#jestem gruba#jestem obrzydliwa#nie chce jeść#nie jem
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Part 1 serii pt.
Co robić by nie rzucić sie na jedzenie jak ostatnia świnia
W tej serii przedstawie moje metody na ominięcie napadu, rzeczy które robię żeby nie sięgnąć niepotrzebnie po jedzenie i ogolnie takie pierdołki. Moze przydadzą się poczatkujacym lub nawet "Zaawansowanym"
Jak ominąć napad/jak pożegnać chęć na jedzenie
°Przede wszystkim NAPOJE, może to być nawet 1 litr wody, byle by napełnić żołądek czymś płynnym niskokalorycznym. Bardzo lubię wodę z cytryną i z kostkami lodu i herbatki. Herbata może być zwykła, z cytryną, zielona, zielona jakas tam smakowa itp. Ogólnie do takich gorących napoji dodaje słodzik w "tabletkach", jedna taka mała tableteczka ma 0,02kcal, więc 3 dziennie praktycznie nic nie zmienią. Polecam wam też z całego serca napoje zero czy to cola czy jakiś energetyk, ważne ze jest i mozemy poczuć slodkie w ustach
°Kolejny mój sposób to poprostu odwracanie uwagi od jedzenia co prawda może być to trudne zwłaszcza gdy jesteśmy osobą która ciągle o tym myśli, o zjedzonych kaloriach i co by się zjadlo i tym podobne. Osobiście by odwrócić uwagę to oglądam jakiś serial, uczę się, gram lub poprostu przeglądam sociale.
°Ćwiczenia - bardzo dobry sposób by odechciało się jedzenia. Najlepiej zrobić bardzo intensywny trening a potem uwalić się na łóżko z wycięczenia. Ani nie będzie ci się potem chciało wstać i iść do kuchni, ani nie będziesz miał ochoty przez to ze twój brzuch bedzie miał takie mini zakwasiki po treningu. Również dobre cwiczenia mogą cie zmotywować do np. fasta, bo przecież się tyle na męczyłaś to po co to puść.
°Przelewanie swoich myśli na kartkę ; możesz założyć sobie pamiętnik/zeszycik i pisać wszystko co aktualnie czujesz. Masz ochotę na kinder bueno? Napisz jak bardzo nie chcesz przytyc, jak to jedzenie zniszczy ci twój postęp, obrzydź sobie ten słodycz, napisz motywacyjne cytaty i obraź samą siebie w pamiętniku ze jesteś grubą ulaną pyzą
° To dużo osobą pomaga. A mianowicie Meanspo, sweetspo, thinspo, fatspo, czasem wystarczy wyświetlić 200 kilogramowe cialo dziewczyny i wyobrazić sobie że to będziesz ty jak dalej bedziesz wpierdalać
°Spanie, tak, poprostu idz spac. Prześpij się z tym
°Ostatnia moja rada na to jak sobie radzić z jedzeniem to poprostu zobaczenie się w lustrze lub zważenie się Widząc w lusterku drugi podbródek, zakryte obojczyki przez tłuszcz i fałdy na brzuchu powinno odechcieć ci się jeść. A jak nie to upij się 2 litrami wody i wejdz na wage. Zobaczysz większe liczby i też nie będzie ci się chciało jeść
Mam nadzieję ze chociaz trochę pomogłam i następnym razem jak będzie się zbliżała chęć na jedzenie to przypomnisz sobie mój post i zawalczysz to uczucie. Trzymaj się!
#bede lekka jak motylek#bede perfekcyjna#bede piekna#chudniemy#chudosc#glodowka#lekka jak motylek#motyl#motyle w brzuchu#motylki w brzuchu#motylki#bede motylkiem#blog motylkowy#blogi motylkowe#chce byc lekka jak motylek#dieta motylkowa#jestem motylkiem#lekka jak motyl#lekkie motylki#motylek any#motylki blog#motylki any#chude jest piękne#chudzinki#chude dziewczyny#chudajakmotyl#nie chce być gruba#gruba świnia#za gruba#jestem gruba
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